
We offer family law and mediation services in Maple Ridge, Pitt Meadows, Chilliwack, Tri-Cities and Langley

 Always remember the big picture.

Separating couples have many options open to them if they hope to avoid court.  Mediation is one of those options and it offers couples the flexibility to tailor an agreement that meets the unique needs of their family.  As an alternative to court, this is a process where you and your partner sit down and have a conversation, guided with the help of a mediator, to find a solution that works for the both of you.  

Because mediations generally take place outside of the court process, it can often spare couples the stress and cost of protracted litigation.  Not only does this facilitate a smoother transition for the family, it can go a long way to promote friendlier co-parenting later.

Tarel J. Swansky is a lawyer and certified family law mediator.  She can help you navigate your way to a settlement and capture it into a written agreement.  If you are interested in exploring mediation as an option to resolve matters with your spouse, then please give us a call – we would be happy to talk with you about it and set up a session for you and your partner. 

We would like to hear from you.  Please contact us 604 283 1156 or [email protected]  to arrange an initial consult. We are proud to serve you at our main offices overlooking the Golden Ears in Maple Ridge but we can accommodate you wherever you may be with office spaces located throughout the Fraser Valley.